Henry “Hank” Veggian

New Jersey native Henry “Hank” Veggian has lived in North Carolina since 2006. He started fishing from a Jackson Coosa in 2011. The model – a Drew Gregory custom edition - was a loaner from a friend who won it in a tournament. Gaining a reputation as a tournament kayak angler on the booming North Carolina scene, Henry began competing on a national level in 2016. A tournament director for Carolina Kayak Anglers, he is also an educator and ambassador of our sport, conveying information and experience through annual seminars, tournaments and interviews. His writings on kayak fishing have appeared in numerous publications and in the spring of 2019 he was featured on the cover of Wildlife in North Carolina magazine to represent kayak fishing. He currently fishes out of a Bite FD.

Closest Dealer: Get Outdoors Paddlesports (Greensboro, N.C.)

Follow Hank:

Blog: https://bowfincountry.com/

Twitter: @miacalva

Instagram: @HankVeggian